Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Make a Spore Print

A number of on-line resources exist, for learning spore print techniques. Here are some that work:

Making Spore Prints

How to Make a Spore Print

How to Make a Spore Print (Video)

Tissue Culturing a Wild Mushroom

A recent blog posting at the Cornell Mushroom Blog is exactly the kind of thing MycoTechnica is looking for. The post, Taming the Wild Fungus, provides directions for obtain a pure culture from tissue in Hypholoma sublateritium. According to site editor Kathie Hodge, "This post was written by a student (now a recent grad) who developed his talent with mushrooms by taking classes and participating in just about every mushroomy possibility Cornell has to offer."

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fungal Protocols at Molecular Station

Some Fungal protocols are posted at Molecular Station. Molecular Station seems to be an aggregator of sorts, and all of the things posted under "Fungal Protocols" are certainly not protocols in the standard sense of the term.

So what is a protocol. For the purposes of MycoTechnica, a protocol is a procedure and method written in such as way so that it can be followed and carried out by a practitioner. It does not include a paper that is just "helpful advice" or "suggestions" for how to do or improve something (not even another protocol!).

The "protocols" at Molecular Station are divided betwen three categories—Aspergillus, Neurospora, and Fungi Genetics. There are 117 listed, but how many of them are actual protocols is unclear.

MycoTechnica - The Myclogy Tools and Procedures Place

MycoTechnica is a repository for mycological techniques and procedures. At some point, if their is any laboratory method, technique or tool that is used in the study of fungi, you will find out about it here.